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This is my non-fiction section. All prices include p and p and books can be signed and/or dedicated on request. Either include your address on your Paypal order or drop a follow-up email to  with your mailing address. All orders mailed with seven days. Some of these books are also available in digital form for them new-fangled magic book things through most purveyors like I-tunes, Nook, Kindle etc. If you can't find them there, check out

100 Writing Tips


Taken from the first year of Script Doctor's Facebook page of daily tips, this collection is not a 'how to' guide on screenwriting, but a collection of invaluable bite-size nuggets of vital information that every script-writer should have at their disposal. Keep it at your work-station or in your bag as an essential source of inspiration.




100 More Writing Tips


Like the above, but exactly more so.






Torch, Wood & Peasants by Webley Wildfoot


The (ahem) 'totally fictional tale' of a 'totally fictional' writer who was commissioned to work on a 'totally fictional' spin-off to a 'totally fictional' family SF TV show. TWP details the behind the scenes events that went into the process of commissioning, writing and being unceremoniously dumped from a TV show, as well as the full script of the unbroadcast episode of the 'totally fictional' TV show in question. A cautionary tale for any writer or a great gift for that SF completist in your life.

NB: Webley Wildfoot and the owner of this page are two totally different people. Honest, guv.



The Second Fiendish Lord Clyde Quiz Book


Endorsed by stand-up comedian and mastermind winner, Lucy Porter & Al Murray, pub landlord, this is the most ingenious collection of pub trivia ever assembled from the host of the award-winning Lord Clyde's pub quiz. Not just a blend of arcane, occult, general, trivial and cult questions, but each quiz is a themed puzzle in itself. The ideal birthday or Christmas gift for that special wise-ass in your life who you want to torture.




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